Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I need your VOTE

Hey Everyone,

I could use your vote. Ron Howard (yes, Opie) is having the first ever photo contest to inspire a Hollywood Short Film. I've entered some photos and one of them is of the 30 Semi-Finalists. Votes are what decide who wins. Please take a minute to vote for me. To vote you don't have to sign up for anything or use an email address it appears.

Here is the link to the Contest Info:  http://www.youtube.com/Imagination  and where you vote.  It's not the best designed site for figuring out how to vote so below is a screen shot I made to help. It's attached also in case your ISP strips out inline images.

Go to the site and click on the red "Enter Contest/Gallery" tab. It's under the countdown clock.

1. Next click the "Time" category.
2. Scroll back and forth to find the icon I've pointed out. It's just really white looking with a darker lower right corner. On my machine it's the 3rd from the end if you click "Right." (It looks like a Civil War battle once you are on it)
3. Click the Share/Vote button and it opens up.
4. Click "Vote for This Image"

I appreciate it everyone. Thanks for your vote,

Rob Holmes

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